Sunday, December 2, 2007

Another Shocking Fact Revealed at The World Mission Society Church of God

Hey there once again, so once again I was revealed the most amazing truth at the World Mission Society Church of God. Yesterday at my Bible study I found out that Jesus was not born on December 25, that this is another pagan ritual introduced into the church during the time of (once again) our dear friend Constantine. Man this guy did a lot of changes to Gods commandments. So that you folks could also understand what I saw, please watch the video below so that you could see the history of where the celebration of December 25th really started.

Some people today might say that celebrating Christmas is really not that bad. You could celebrate Christmas if you want, but don’t do it if you consider yourself a Christian for it has nothing to do with Christianity. The Bible never mentions that we should celebrate the birth day of the Christ, and especially not on the day of a pagan God as Mithra the sun god. Let us see what the Bible says about these matters.

Deut 4:19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.

Deut 12:31 you must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates…

These are just a few examples of how much God hates Pagan rituals and festivals. Thank God for letting me know these things, not only is Sun day the day to worship the sun, but also December 25th is the birth day of the sun god. Truly it is sun god worshiping what people are doing today.

There more I study here in the World Mission Society Church of God, the more amazed I become of these teachings. Ok till next time keep posted. I am still waiting to learn about Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem.


Anonymous said...

Wow, i never ever realized christmas had such a meaning. I never imagined it was actually the birthday of the sungod. well, im glad i never celebrated christmas anyways. But about this Ahnsahnghong and mother Jerusalem, im very curious to know what this church has to say..

CherubAngel said...

wow, that clip was pretty imformative. I cant believe that even history backs up how pagan Christmas is and yet I was still blinded and thought it was about Jesus Christ. when you continue to study you will see how much more Christ AhnSahngHong has revealed the truth

Anonymous said...

I also found it very amazing how all my life I have been programmed to believe these things. It is funny how your perspective can change so much on a once seemingly important matter. So many people are so engulfed in this celebration of Christmas- even though its meaning is completely misconstrued. It is so funny how everything relates back to the sun. From Saturday(Sabbath) worship to Sunday (day of the sun) and also celebrating Christmas as an official Christian celebration when it has absolutely nothing to do with Christ. If one did a little research all of this is easily brought to light. It is sad but amazing at the same time to see how much we have been lied to and instead of following Christ's example, such as celebrating the Feasts of God as He did, we put so much into pagan feasts like Christmas, better known as Saturnalia in the time of the Roman empire. Thanks for posting this, it is such an interesting topic.

AC1981 said...

Thanks for telling me this. now I can show my dad this video, so that he burns and throw that christmas tree in the garbage.

Short144 said...

I'm so glad God pulled me out of that pagan practice before He came again for judgement. I wouldn't want to be found worshipping other gods. So much thanks goes to Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem.

Seraphin of Sarah said...

Man without Christ Ahnsahnghong showing this to us through the bible we would definetely worship satan and his friends AKA sungod. I definetely want to continue to study so that I can follow Gods words Gods commands, Gods festivals