Monday, February 25, 2008

Coginator??? More like CogIGNORANT

Hey welcome back, in the latest addition to the people who slander the World Mission Society Church of God, you could find another "Cult Expose" trying to label the Church of God, yet he has no idea about the teachings of the World Mission Society Church of God. The reason i say this is because he tries to compare the World Mission Society Church of God to other "Cults" which are very well know, in this post I will explain in detail how the World Mission Society Church of God is nothing like those other Churches.

One comparison that was made, was that the World Mission Society Church of God is like the Jehovah witnesses. Well lets see:

*Unlike the Jehovah Witnesses, The World Mission Society Church of God does not worship on Sundays(Sun-god worship
*Unlike Jehovah Witnesses, The World Mission Society Church of God believes in The Holy Trinity, and that Jesus Christ is Jehovah God who came in the flesh.

He also tries to compare the World Mission Society Church of God to the Mormons, lets see:

*Mormons also keep Sunday(Sun-god worship)
*Mormons also don't believe in the Trinity
*Mormons don't keep the Passover, they still keep communion

Also he tries to compare the World Mission Society Church of God to Christian Science, lets see:

*Christian Science also keeps Sunday worship
*Christian Science don't see Jesus Christ as God, but as a good teacher.
*They don't keep the Passover which Jesus Christ commanded us to keep.

Then he tried to compare the World Mission Society Church of God to the 7th day Adventist, lets see:

*SDA start their Sabbath on Friday evening, so they keep a Two day Sabbath, against Biblical teaching
*They are vegetarians, When God said that we could eat everything
*Another one that does not keep the Passover

And the last one is the funniest, Scientology. he compared the World Mission Society Church of God to Scientology, Come on, they don't even believe the Bible. the only reason he makes this comparison is because of money matters, World Mission Society Church of God does not want peoples money, The Law of Tithes and Offerings appears in the Bible, or can you name me one Church that does not practice this?
What is hypocritical about this is that other Churches have no problem teaching about Tithes and Offerings, but they don't teach about the Sabbath and the Passover. I mean either keep the whole law, or don't keep any of it.

World Mission Society Church of God is the true Church because we keep all of Gods commandments left in the Bible, not man made traditions or regulations, all Thanks be to our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and our Mother New Jerusalem.


God's Will said...

It's amazing how Christ already said "They will hate you because of me". Christ Ahnsahnghong only showed us the truth, and yet this guy who obviously has no life persecutes Church of God World Mission Society, prophecy fulfilled. Christ Ahnsahnghong is God, and that cannot be changed. Truth is truth and the people will see this Cheese guy doesn't even beleive in God himself and is misleading others.

Anonymous said...

The founder of all of these churches are all during the times of the 1800s to 1930's. However, as soon as Christ Ahnsahnghong came, "suddenly" Passover is what's seen in the Bible? No, no, no, it's because it's prophecid that only the 2nd Coming Christ can show the Passover and that's why only Christ Ahnsahnghong and the Church that He establshed keeps the Passover, and no other church keeps it. Passover shows that Christ Ahnsahnghong is the TRUE 2nd COming Christ.

Anonymous said...

All the claims are ridiculous. They have no base, its even dumb to make those comparisons. Can they use the bible to prove Christ Ahnsahnghong false? It is IMPOSSIBLE (no exaggeration). I wonder how they will react when they find out they were only arguing w/ God...

CherubAngel said...

Those are some pretty valid points..This guy is trying to pull whatever he can and yet those religions dont even come close to Church of God World Mission Society. It reminds me of acts 5:39 where it says if our teaching is from man it will fail but if from God they are fighting against God. Well, He'd better quit now b/c there is no way He'll win against Christ AhnsahngHong and Heavenly Mother. He is only fighting against God!

Anonymous said...

church of God belive in second
cowing christ Ahnsahnghong and heuanly.

Anonymous said...

Christ AhnsahngHong and Heavenly Mother. He is only God!
God bless you